An African American man has settled a race discrimination claim against the Portland Police Department for $50,001. The lawsuit was filed after the man was pulled over twice in one month by the same police officer. After the man complained, the officer went to the man’s employer, the postal service, and told his boss that he was combative and aggressive.
The city and the officer admitted that the officer pulled the man over twice in the same month and that the officer had approached the man’s boss to comment on the man’s behavior. Beyond that, though, the city and the officer did not admit any liability or wrongdoing as part of the settlement. No admission of wrongdoing is a common part of settlement agreements for violations of civil rights and is often insisted upon by the defendant.
If you believe you have been the victim of race discrimination, please consider contacting the lawyers at the Bullman Law Firm. We represent workers, not employers. Our number is (503) 987-0000. There is no charge for your call.