Oregon lawmakers are considering whether to make it illegal for businesses to fire employees who fail drug tests for using marijuana off the clock. This initiative will revive a failed campaign to implement this law in 2017. The proposed bill will likely also include protection for job seekers who use legal substances like marijuana.
This is a part of an ongoing debate over whether Oregon workers should be forced to abstain from marijuana use — which is allowed under state law but remains federally illegal — for fear of getting fired or losing an employment offer.
The proposed bill wouldn’t allow employees to use pot if their collective bargaining agreements prohibit partaking while off-duty, or if there is a “bona fide occupational qualification” associated with their job. It also does not permit working under the influence.
If the bill is passed and signed into law, it would further expand worker protections in Oregon.
If you believe you have been the victim of workplace discrimination, please consider contacting the lawyers at the Bullman Law Firm. We represent workers, not employers. Our number is (503) 987-0000. There is no charge for your call.
Source: https://www.wthr.com/article/oregon-lawmakers-consider-making-it-illegal-be-fired-duty-pot-use